Welcome to TRU!
Why Learn About Pensions?
Who Are Pensions Working Best For?
Is a Pension My Only Option?
What Is Retirement Security?
What Is an Adequacy Threshold?
How Social Security Fits Into Retirement
Not All Teachers Will Collect Social Security
The Road to Retirement Security
Most Teachers Have a Pension, but Some Do Not
What Retirement Plan Do I Have?
Chapter 1 Recap
Don't Have A Pension? More Is Coming!
Chapter 1 Key Terms
Does My Plan Set Me Up for a Secure Retirement?
Pension Positives
Most Benefits Accrue Near the End of a Career, Not Evenly Over Time
Most Teachers Will Not Earn a Full Pension
Teachers Must Meet the Vesting Period
What Is the Vesting Period in My State?
Most Teachers Won’t Earn As Large of a Pension As They Might Think
Pensions Don’t Transfer Across State Lines
Chapter 2 Recap
Chapter 2 Key Terms
Guaranteed Income Plans
How Is My Pension Benefit Calculated?
What Is the Benefit Formula for Your Plan?
Who Contributes to My Pension?
How States Fund Pension Plans
More About Normal Cost
Assumed Rate of Return
What Is the Assumed Rate of Return for Your Pension Plan?
Myth: The Assumed Rate of Return Determines the Value
Who Is In Charge of Pension Funds?
Chapter 3 Recap
Quiz Yourself (Optional)
Extend Your Knowledge (Optional)
Chapter 3 Key Terms
Funded Status
Unfunded Liabilities
What Is the Unfunded Liability for Your Pension Plan
Funded Ratio
What Is the Funded Ratio of Your Pension Plan?
Myth: It Is Okay for a Pension Plan To Target 80% Funding
Why Targeting Less Than 100% Funding Is Not Good Enough
Amortization Payments
Actuarially Determined Contribution
Are Teachers Paying for Unfunded Liabilities?
What Is the Actuarially Determined Contribution for Your Plan?
Chapter 4 Recap
Quiz Yourself (Optional)
Chapter 4 Key Terms
Will the Government Pay the Bill?
Myth: Pension Funds Don't Need to Contribute the Full ADC
What Percentage of the Pension Bill Is My State Paying?
Employer Contributions Are Growing
Myth: Governments “Raid” Pensions, Taking Money Out of Funds To Pay for Other Priorities
Can a Teacher Shortage Affect the Pension Systems?
If a Pension Plan Is Closed to New Members Will It Run Out of Money?
Chapter 5 Recap
Chapter 5 Key Terms
The Cost of Fully Funding Benefits Is Growing
Why States Don’t Always Pay Their Bills
Many Pension Funds Have More Retirees Than Active Members
Myth: Pension Funds Can Use Historic Investment Performances To Predict the Future
Investment Strategies and Risk
Underperforming Investments
Investment Losses
Recent Investment Return Trends
Myth: Pension Funds Can Use Historic Investment Performances To Predict the Future
What Can We Expect of Future Returns?
Chapter 6 Recap
Chapter 6 Key Terms
How the Funded Status of Teacher Pension Plans Has Changed
What Risks Exist for Retirement Plans
Consequences of Unfunded Liabilities
More Government Contributions Are Going to Unfunded Liability Amortization Payments
How Much of the Contribution from Your Employer/State is Being Used to Pay for Unfunded Liabilities?
More Education Funding Is Going Toward Unfunded Liabilities
Growing Unfunded Liabilities Suppress Salaries
Teachers Have to Pay More for the Same or Less in Benefits
Less Spending Is Available for Resource Equity
Fewer Dollars Are Making It Into Classrooms
Your State Made You a Promise, and It Has To Be Kept
Chapter 7 Recap
There Is Hope
What Next?
More Is Coming!
Chapter 7 Key Terms
Key Terms from TRU
Full Glossary

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