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How States Fund Pension Plans
Assumed Rate of Return
What Is the Assumed Rate of Return for Your Pension Plan?
Myth: The Assumed Rate of Return Determines the Value
Who Is In Charge of Pension Funds?
How Hybrid Plans are Funded
Chapter 1 Recap
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Chapter 1 Key Terms
Funded Status
Unfunded Liabilities
What Is the Unfunded Liability for Your Pension Plan
Funded Ratio
What Is the Funded Ratio of Your Pension Plan?
Why Targeting Less Than 100% Funding Is Not Good Enough
Actuarially Determined Contribution
What Is the Actuarially Determined Contribution for Your Plan?
More About Normal Cost
Amortization Payments
What Is the Normal Cost and Amortization Payment for Your Plan?
Are Teachers Paying for Unfunded Liabilities?
How Hybrid Plans Fit In
Chapter 2 Recap
Quiz Yourself (Optional)
Chapter 2 Key Terms
Will the Government Pay the Bill?
What Percentage of the Pension Bill Is My State Paying?
What's the Difference Between the Assumed Rates of Return and the Actual Investment Returns?
Can a Teacher Shortage Affect the Pension Systems?
If a Pension Plan Is Closed to New Members Will It Run Out of Money?
Employer and Employee Contributions Are Growing
Rising Contribution Rates Do Not Mean Better Benefits
The Squeeze of Unfunded Liabilities
Do Governments “Raid” Pensions To Pay for Other Priorities?
How Hybrid Plans Fit In
Chapter 3 Recap
Chapter 3 Key Terms
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